Cost Analysis does not include random projects, but things with reccuring pricing, things I want to keep paying

Random 5 or 20 euro I put into some project that fails is not included

Thanks to Rag and others that consistently donate. Just keeping the servers running is some cash, listings below

Item Mostly cost Yearly cost Criticality (5 = Irreplacable) Private? Description note note2

Bunny DNS 1 12 3
There are free alternatives. Resolves DNS so when you ask for “where are pictures” it tells you where they are nice to have
Racknerd NL Server 3.75 45 4
hosts all the bots you can see and some other apps, technicaly can be replaced with free version, however free versions expire so at the end we would end up with downtime and downtime and lots of work migrating every few months when I die, I hopefully still pay for this, it’s this good Each Black Friday I win free account credits / have account credits now to cover cost
.com domain 1.25 15 5
without a domain. 90% of my projects wont work Will pay forever domain 0.25 3 0
might cancel, used it for omegle once Probably cancelling
Racknerd NL Server 1.25 15 2 yes and no Server I use for private, sometimes for testing, I think same datacenter as TCW Manager, useful, not super expensive Maybe taking to grave, maybe not, not sure, paying for now Each Black Friday I win free account credits / have account credits now to cover cost
Racknerd Reseller 150gb 3.16666666666667 38 0
Used to host: Falcon, Ilya, Las, Tom, CCS and others. Free perk for donators. Come, learn programming ! Each Black Friday I win free account credits / have account credits now to cover cost
Racknerd US Server 2 24 -1
Beeing Cancelled, got it for free
Each Black Friday I win free account credits / have account credits now to cover cost
Shared Hosting 0.833333333333333 10 4 emails, some media, some websites. switching is big pain in the ass and 5-10h of work, really stressful, 10€, keeping as long as I have to
DeepAI 0.416666666666667 5 0
Used to generate pictures from text, still 2€ credits left, denied Matt’s sponsorship as 5€ isn’t a big deal DeepAI are the 2x2 pictures
Webhorizon servers 0.416666666666667 5 -1
currently unused, the price is so good I’ll keep paying Lazy, will keep paying
BeachSIM 1 12 -1
currently unused, all I paid so far is 20€ installment fee and 20€ for hardware, will be a project and will be deployed Project halted, just lacking time, will be used, hardware can get reused anyways

Monthly Cost of TCW 15.3333333333333

as of now with current services

Yearly Cost of TCW as of now with current services 184

Misaka Server 6 72 0 yes nice to have, I use it only for personal things Maybe taking to grave, saved my ass many many times
other domains 1.66666666666667 20 0 and 5 yes professional life related stuff One I paid 5 years in advance, most of them taking to my grave
Mail hosting 1.25 15 5 yes Paid 30€ for lifetime, will probably pay more because I need more space than I thought lol not bad, good even for testing, let’s hope their “lifetime” is at least 5 years

Private stuff IT related, has nothing todo with TCW, except I grind skills from there 107 yearly